Complete list of Server Commands Print

  • rust, gamepanel, console, commands
  • 5089

Server Commands



 Print out currently connected players

 kick (SteamID or Username)

 Kick a player


 Kick everyone in the game

 ban (SteamID or Username)

 Ban a player

 global.moderatorid "SteamID"

 Make a player moderator

 global.ownerid "SteamID"

 Make a player/moderator owner

 global.removemoderator "SteamID"

 Remove a moderator

 global.removeowner "SteamID"

 Remove an owner

 banid (SteamID)

 no description

 unban (SteamID)

 no description


 Print out currently connected clients etc

 global.say "text"

 Sends a message in chat


 Show user info for players on the server.


 List of banned users (source ids compact)


 List of banned users - shows reasons and usernames


 List of banned users, by ID (source ids compact)

 chat.say "text"

 Prints your text in the chat e.g "t0kenz: Hello"


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 Restart the server - with 300 seconds warning at 5-second intervals.


 Leave the game

 no description


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 Suicide command


 no description


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 Starts a server


 Stops a server


 Backup server folder


 Writes config files


 no description

 Force save the current game


 no description


 no description


 no description


 no description


 no description


 no description

 weather.rain [value]

 Sets the rain factor where 0 is none and 1.0 is 100%.


 no description

 global.find( string Name )

 Search for a command

 global.ent kill

 Destroys/kills the entity you're targeting (looking at)

 global.ent lock

 locks the sign/painting you're targeting (looking at)

 global.ent unlock

 unlocks the sign/painting you're targeting (looking at)


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