Adding subusers to the server Print

  • rust, icedpanel, subusers
  • 3200

Adding sub-users to your Icedhost panel allows you to grant others limited access to manage your servers without sharing your main account credentials.

1. Access your Icedhost Panel:

2. Navigate to the Users Section within your panel:

3. Click create a new user

4: Fill in their email address.

5. Select Sub-User permissions

Control: Grants power control over the server, including starting, stopping, and restarting.

User: This allows you to manage other subusers on a server. They can never edit their own account or assign permissions they do not have themselves.

File Management: Grants access to the server's files, allowing uploading, downloading, editing, and deleting.

Backup Management: This allows the user to create, restore, and delete backups.

Console Access: This allows the user to view the server's console output.

Startup: This allows the user to modify the server's startup parameters.

Database: Use to control a user's access to the database management

Schedule: This allows the user to create, edit, and delete scheduled tasks.

Settings: This allows access to editing the server's instance name (not your server hostname) and reinstalling the server.

Activity: Used to allow sub-users to see server activity logs.


Important Considerations:

It is recommended that each sub-user be granted only the necessary permissions and that full access be avoided unless absolutely required.

Regular Review: Periodically review the sub-user list and their permissions to ensure they are still appropriate.

Password Security: Encourage subusers to use strong, unique passwords.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): If available, enable 2FA for all accounts, including subusers, for enhanced security.
By following these steps, you can effectively manage access to your Pterodactyl servers, delegate tasks to others, and maintain control over your main account.

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